Documentation for Game UI kits


After purchasing one of my kits, you'll get a download link in your e-mail. Download and import it to Figma to get started.

Customizable colors, spacing, radius

In just a few clicks, you can customize the brand colors using variables.
Navigate to Local Variables > Primitives > Enter Your Colors. The entire document will update instantly with your chosen colors. You can also update the radius and spacing primitives. Adjust these settings, and all components will automatically reflect your changes.

Insert new components

Browse the components on the components page to get familiar.
Type Shift + i to insert components quickly into your designs.

Use component properties

Component properties allow you to toggle component attributes quickly. Most components will have toggles available to customize components.

Reuse components

It's best practice for maintainability to use existing components wherever possible. For example, if you're building a component that needs a button, use the existing button component in your design instead of adding a new one.

Need Help?

If you require substantial assistance with your Figma UI kits or are interested in creating a completely custom design for your game, consider signing up for my UI/UX Design Subscription.


